Howdy! We’d like to let you know about our major programs. Some are up and running, and some are waiting for someone to run with them.
Spay and Neuter. This is the single best way to reduce the population of unwanted dogs and cats in Milam County (or anywhere!). Additionally, it’s a great way to protect your pet from many health problems that develop as they age, which keeps your pet, and your wallet, healthier.
Shelter Support. Cameron and Rockdale Shelters have different needs, but we strive to assist them in ways that meet their individual needs. If you want to help with the Rockdale Shelter, contact Janiece Armagost, the Animal Control Officer (ACO), or join the Friends of the Rockdale Animal Shelter Facebook group to see how you can help. For City of Cameron, contact Sandra Ritch. Both ACOs can be reached through their respective Police Departments.
Unwanted litters of puppies. Do you have an unwanted litter? We may be able to help you by getting it a sponsor in Colorado or a similar location, getting them health certificates, and transporting them. What do you have to do? Cooperate with us and agree to have your mama dog spayed. That way, you don’t have that problem again, and you can keep on loving your dog.
Community Cats. We all know cats are everywhere and they reproduce rapidly. Many people feed them because we feel sorry for them. Feeding them without getting them spayed or neutered is cruel. Through Trap, Neuter, Return, we trap the kitties, get them spayed/neutered and a rabies shot, and return them to their colony to live out their natural lives.
Microchipping. We do this as a community service. Too many dogs and cats get lost without collar and ID tags. A microchip is registered for free, and when someone finds your dog and checks for a chip, they find out how to contact you.
Those are our primary programs. If you want to learn how to help, please contact us at or call or text and leave a message at (254) 307-2877.

2 of my kittens that I was taking care of, just disappeared on Friday. One is a white with black and brown spots and the other one is grey with white feet. How can I run an ad to find them?Linda Mouser
Linda, I’m so sorry. The easiest way to do this is to make a post on the Milam Touch of Love group.