We have two types of spay/neuter programs. The first one we started is called Shelter Snip. We alternate between Cameron and Rockdale to bring in our mobile veterinarian to spay/neuter, vaccinate against rabies, and heartworm test shelter dogs. This ensures they are ready to be adopted and won’t contribute to the unwanted pet problem in the county.
For each of these days, we like volunteers to come to the shelter and help the dogs recover. When they are coming out of their anesthesia, they can be disoriented. Having a volunteer there to comfort them is more relaxing for them and helps them recover more safely.
For both types of our programs, we seek sponsors. Sponsors can be individuals or businesses or a combination. We seek $1000 in any combination. Our plan is to create a T-shirt for fundraising at the end of the year to highlight our sponsors, who have allowed us to make a huge difference in our county.
Dogs adopted from Milam County’s two shelters can go anywhere in or out of the county, so having them spayed and neutered means we’re solving problems wherever they may end up. What are the benefits of spaying and neutering?
Male dogs don’t have to worry about testicular cancer. They won’t be searching for female dogs, so they are more likely to stay home or be less inclined to fight with other dogs.
Female dogs don’t have to worry about going through a heat cycle, won’t have to worry about mammary gland tumors, will be less inclined to roam, and ultimately, you don’t have to worry about an unwanted litter of puppies.
Visit us at https://milamtouchoflove.org or at the Milam Touch of Love Facebook Group.