Since January 1, 2025, is a Wednesday, we will hold Wellness Day on the second Wednesday of the month (and Barn Cat Day on the third Wednesday). Wellness Day will be in Minerva at the Minerval Volunteer Fire Department, 358 County Road 232 Loop, Rockdale, TX, on January 8 from 1-4:30 pm.

This walk-in clinic offers office visit-type services — wellness exams, vaccinations, bloodwork, deworming, and more advanced exams appropriate for the problem presented. Some flea and heartworm treatments will be available on-site, and others will be available via the online pharmacy for delivery to your home. Services are listed in the image below. Dr. Brinlee now offers the rattlesnake vaccine for approximately $25.


In addition to Wellness Day, MTOL will be available to microchip your pet. This is free, but we appreciate a donation (suggested $10) to purchase more microchips.

Approximate costs for services offered (we anticipate a slight price increase with the new year but don’t have new pricing yet):

Price list


2 Replies to “January Wellness Day”

  1. Would like to have female kitten fixed sometime in February in Cameron. When can that be possible?

    1. According to our schedule, we won’t be in Cameron until April. We’ll be in Milano inFebruary .

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