Milam Touch of Love is pleased to announce our next snip/chip clinic is on January 29th in Minerva at the Minerva Volunteer Fire Department. This event is open to all Milam County Residents for their dogs or cats. Please note the Snip & Chip setup is not suitable for older dogs and cats (over 8 years of age) or dogs/cats with certain medical conditions. Because of this, we may not be able to schedule your pet for snip and chip but will recommend having the procedure performed in Dr. Brinlee’s office where it will be safer for them. For $130 ($80 for male cats) the following services will be performed:

* Spay or neuter (with injected pain medication & antibiotics)

* Rabies shot with certificate and tag

* Microchip with free registration and transfer

* CBC bloodwork

* Heartworm test (for dogs over 6 months of age) Other services are available for an additional charge.

Special Notes: For residents INSIDE the city limits of Milano and Thorndale: Your dogs and cats will be spayed or neutered free of charge. We’ll check your address and should already know this, but if we miss it, please ask. This includes the basic spay/neuter package. Additional services will be at your own expense.

Unless you qualify as a Milano or Thorndale City resident or have been asked to use the May Day option, the price per dog and female cat is $130 and $80 for male cats.

Owner Information

This section covers information about the pet's owner.
What county is your address in.

Pet's Information

For cats, if you don't know otherwise, provide length of fur -- short, medium, or long.
Provide a best guess if date is unknown.

Pet Health History

Services Needed

Select one.
If you've chosen to accept a grant, please provide a short description of how this grant positively impacts you or your pet's life.

For Office Use Only

Please do not complete.
.5 for male cat 1 for female or unknown cat or male dog 2 for large male dogs 2.5 for large female dogs 3 for aggressive or other dogs that may take extra time dogs
Milam County Commissioners have recently allocated money for spay and neuter for county residents. We offer the following to Milam County residents (except City of Milano and City of Thorndale residents -- your city pays in full). Basic package price (add-ons at your expense).

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