Since January 1, 2025, is a Wednesday, we will hold Wellness Day on the second Wednesday of the month (and Barn Cat Day on the…
December 4, 2024, Thorndale Wellness Day
We’re in Thorndale at 122 S. Main St., on December 4th from 1-5 pm for Wellness Day. No appointments are needed — just bring your…
November Wellness Day
We’re in Rockdale at the shelter, 290 Beverly Drive, on November 6th from 1-5 pm for Wellness Day. No appointments are needed — just bring…
October 2 Wellness Day
Milam Touch of Love is pleased to announce Dr. Brinlee will be holding a Wellness Day in Cameron on Wednesday, October 2nd, from 1-5 pm…
September Wellness Day: 290 Beverly Dr, Rockdale
Milam Touch of Love is pleased to announce Dr. Brinlee will be holding a Wellness Day in Rockdale on Wednesday, September 4th, from 1-5 pm…
August 7 Wellness Day, Minerva VFD
Milam Touch of Love is pleased to announce Dr. Brinlee will be holding a Wellness Day in Minerva on Wednesday, August 7th, from 1-5 pm…
July 3, 2024, Wellness Day, Milano VFD
Milam Touch of Love is pleased to announce Dr. Brinlee will be holding a Wellness Day in Cameron on Wednesday, July 3rd, from 1-5 pm…
June 5 Wellness Day in Cameron
Milam Touch of Love is pleased to announce Dr. Brinlee will be holding a Wellness Day in Cameron on Wednesday, June 5th, from 1-5 pm…
Wellness Day, May 1, 2024, Thorndale
Milam Touch of Love is pleased to announce Dr. Brinlee will be holding a Wellness Day in Thorndale on Wednesday, May 1st, from 1-5 pm…
April 3, 2024, Wellness Day, at the Rockdale Animal Shelter
Milam Touch of Love is pleased to announce Dr. Brinlee will be holding a Wellness Day in Rockdale on Wednesday, April 3rd, from 1-5 pm…